On LED, straight to your final shots.

Gone are the days of “Fix it in Post Production”


Working closely with The Family, I work extensively as their 3D content author and project lead as a Virtual Production Producer: I create distinct and dynamic virtual sets in Unreal Engine using a variety of assets (hand made, purchased, or a kitbashed combination of the two) to deliver directors a full-fledged film shoot set right out of the box.

Working from the moment pens hit the script, I put together photorealistic Unreal environments equipped with technical tools and accessibility options - all to give directors access to user-friendly Web-UI tools that afford them realtime edits and customization in the heat of the moment. Now you don’t have to reschedule your talent when the needs of a project change on the fly~

Using Unreals rich Blueprinting visual coding system, I’m able to easily create a variety of tools and effects on the fly for fast-paced production.

  • Using Material Parameter Collections for exposing numeric values for Web UI to blend between different shaders, material looks, or other visual effects, I can create realtime destruction sliders or sliding distortion effects that can create transitions otherwise not possible on a practical set.

  • Using Actor Blueprints, I’m able to create dynamic states for various objects that can also effortlessly be changed while the set is live

  • No asset is too difficult to implement. Be it LIDAR scan point clouds, unoptimized photogrammetry goop, or an undocumented “game ready” object that crashes more than it runs, I kitbash a variety of assets across different export platforms to create rich and inventive virtual sets that respond to the needs of the film team- all they need to worry about is how to shoot their shot.


SparkAR Filters